Who is the funniest - Harry Hill or Al Murray?

A particularly complex comedy conundrum this one as we're not so familiar with these funny FAQers.

We've always wrongly believed these baldy comics were one and the same. To give our reply an air of credibility, we undertook some research. First attempts of finding Al and Harry in the search engine failed to shed any light. Indeed, the result simply posed another question 'Would Al-Quaeda Terrorists really be reading Harry Potter?' An intriguing FAQ to ponder, but not so helpful for our purposes. A search for Murray and Hill was equally failing, leading us to Murray Hill, a New York City comic 'Drag King'. We quickly hoisted up our skirts and ran for the hill(s)!

Not to be beaten by these baldy buffoons we persisted with our quest, delving into every fruit corner. Thirsty work it was too so we dived into the closest drinking establishment. Whilst slurping a quick pint - burp - we heard a commotion. Some guy with huge shirt collars was shouting "Run! You've been framed!" to some terrified customers. The pub landlord strode up to him, carrying a bowl of what looked like shark infested custard. He was giving it both barrels yelling "Oi you leave them be! My gaff, my rules!"

We had found our fugitives! For finalising the fracas and serving a fine frothy pint, we can now fortuitously say we love Al, the pub landlord! "All hale to the ale".

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The Wonder Days said...

I have an irrational hatred of Al and have no idea why. So Harry would just about win through for me. But there are far funnier men around.lol.
Jo x

chris gotts said...

Having been to aforementioned establishment.I would have to agree, the landlord stands for no funy business. Unless of course he's leading the show.
Thanks for FAQ'ing answering.

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