Isn't Walk the Walk just the best?

We are head over heels in love with you the wonderful Walk the Walk. You're the number one charity worthy of being FAQed.

From London to Peru, lively and dedicated walkers are sprucing and preening their bras, stomping the streets and ascending the mountains.

You've boosted our awareness of breast cancer whilst raising millions of pounds. Walk the Walk, we applaud you.

Walk the Walk Organisation
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Anonymous said...

Great charity, i've done the London Moonwalk and the Bristol Sunwalk. Looking forward to the Inca Trail challenge next. Maybe you should add a link to the blog?

Spring Happy said...

Cheers for your comment. Great idea, link added. Good luck with your next challenge :)

Team justfaqme said...

October 2010 is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Let's do all we can to spread awareness of this issue and raise money for the charities supporting this worthy cause.

Boobs said...

BOOBIES! Fake(+)(+) Perfect (o)(o) Perky (*)(*) Cold (^)(^) and even Grandma's \./\./ and Big ( @ )( @ ) or small (.)(.) Save them all! Repost for
Breast Cancer Awareness !!

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