If moths like lights so much why don't they come out in the day?

This is the Moth(er) of all FAQs, but not one we're going to get in a flap about. Having sat back and crystallised the information, we can now shed light on this FAQ and send it fluttering your way. Well, to answer the easy bit first, moths don't come out in the day as they're sleeping. It could be argued that they need all the beauty sleep they can get; still they'll never come close to gaining the glamour of the butterfly. We did wonder whether their ugliness was one reason for them being nocturnal, nature's way of protecting our eyes.

To answer the first part, it is merely an assumption that moths 'like' light. In reality, they have little capacity to favour anything, but their natural instinct is to fly towards the light. The light of the moon allows the otherwise clumsy moths to fly in a straight line. Being simple-minded lunatics they confuse lamps, candles and other lights with the moon. Another theory is that the instinct towards light is the moth's escape mechanism. Word of moth has it that it's easier to fly towards the light rather than the darkness when under duress. So during your next moth encounter, remind it that there's always light at the end of the tunnel and send it on its way.

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Tracey Phillips said...

Thankyou..that explains that then. Still hate the flappy horrible things tho.

The Wonder Days said...

hehe. I hate them too Tracey and read about the using the moon to fly straight a few weeks ago when I was looking up some stuff about bats. What an exciting life I lead hey.lol
Jo x

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