What came first - the chicken or the egg?

It was the Chicken! Now don't give me the bird, it's true hen!

This timeless riddle has recently been unscrambled by a team of eggheads from Sheffield and Warwick Universities. They were trying to find out more about how animals make egg shell.

They consulted their top UK Science Research Council chef; HECToR, the (High End Computing Terascale Resource) super-computer.

Providing the ingredients that chickens use to make egg shells they eggsclaimed "Right, this is what chickens use - off you go and see what you can do."

After many weeks of incubation, HECToR laid out its results. Apparently, a particular protein in chickens acts as a tireless builder, placing one microscopic section of shell on top of the other.

Without this builder protein, the eggs would not exist. And yet it is only found in a chicken's ovaries. This means the bird must have come first.

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Lucson Pierre said...

LOL.... "a team of eggheads" that's funny but I would say that the chicken came first because there must some type of genetic relationship between an egg and whatever the animal it comes from.

Lucson Pierre said...

By the way this is a 3 star article, hahaha. So funny.

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