Should I be more open minded about music?

I love the British band MUSE so much a lot of the time I will stubbornly refuse to accept other bands even exist, me and my best friend love the band so much we've made a drinking game dedicated to them, a kind of name that tune within 3 seconds or down as much beer as possible type of game, which doesn't seem to work well with any other band. But is it wrong that I think they are the greatest band to have ever lived? Should I be more open minded and tolerant of other musicians? is there a band BETTER than MUSE?

Don't feel ashamed! Take a bow! You're talking to a fellow faqing MUSE fan, i'm certainly feeling the groove and i'm in your world with this one! Yes please! A glorious MUSE Faq is long overdue! This is a fab showbiz band (and from my corner of the UK, the lovely Teignmouth aka Tinmuff, a bliss place to escape to). I ADORE MUSE when i'm after hyper music, when i'm agitated or sober or just when i'm feeling good. I could listen to MUSE endlessly until I blackout.

Time is running out
so read the small print; we don't want you to think we're ruled by secrecy!

Ok, stop your resistance, have no yellow regret - there is NO band better than the mighty MUSE!

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AFistfulOF1UPs said...

Wooooo MUSE!!

bijakas said...

yeah, dont its true to more open minded in all of music. Just explore our feeling in listening

Trix said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MUSE!!! Great Faq thanks!!!

GeorgiePunk said...

What's that Hullabaloo like? Anyone know?

Cathylou said...

I totally agree!! MUSE is fully AWESOME! I truly believe that their music should be in its own category itself!! Yet, I do also believe that everyone should be open minded to other things (such as music), because honestly "you never know" never know whether you'll hate it or become absolutely are in LOVE with it.

and ps: if it wasn't for me deciding to be open minded...Haha! I would have never even discovered the glory of music, which is MUSE!!

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