What's the best Sunday Roast?

Mmmm....our mouths are watering and we're smacking our lips at the possible choices. We think we could do a lot worse than this veritable culinary collection and ask you to consider...
These are not just any thick slices of slowly matured, succulent and tender roast beef...these are from Mary, the cow who wanted to be a horse.

These aren't just any lightly-minted peas...these perky peas lived under a pretty princess' pillow for a year.

This isn't just any cute cabbage...this cabbage has been getting down with those pesky cabbage patch kids, innit.

These aren't just any roasted sliced carrots...these have been grown by a business collaboration involving bugs bunny, the duracell bunny, peter rabbit, all the bunnies from watership down, thumper and the white rabbit.

This isn't just any beautiful broccoli...it's really a whole rainforest of tiny trees.

This isn't just any creamy horseradish sauce...it's been especially stampeded upon by a dozen shire horses.

These aren't just any crispy yet fluffy roast potatoes...they have been carefully stripped of their glasses, eyes, ears, noses, moustaches and feet.

This isn't any thick beef gravy...this is fresh from the boat...it's all gravy!

Eee by eck, this int just any normal Yorkshire pudding, you big pudding!

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Anonymous said...

I love going for a carvery as you can be cheeky and ask for a bit of each meat and then fill your plate with tasty veg, gravy, mint sauce, horseradish... everything that's great for the soul :)

Anonymous said...

A hunter kills a deer and brings it home. He decides to clean it, prepare it, and serve the deer meat for dinner. He knows his kids are fussy eaters, and won't eat it if they know what it is, so he doesn't tell them.

His little boy keeps asking him, "What's for dinner dad?"

"You'll see", he replies.

They start eating dinner and his daughter keeps asking him what they are eating.

"Ok", says her dad, "Here's a hint. It's what your mother sometimes calls me."

His daughter screams ... "Don't eat it, Jimmy! ... It's a fucking asshole ..."

Anonymous said...

I made a roast chicken today - it was yum

Just Faqme Team said...

Was it the chicken that hatched from the golden egg?

Lisa said...

Roast lamb for us today, can't wait...

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