Is Janet Street-Porter a waste of space?

Janet Street-Porter has risen to the top of her field in journalism and broadcasting through sheer hard work, savvy and shrewd determination. Let's face it, she didn't get there because of her hair styles! And this is exactly what we love about her (although we must force ourselves to ignore her stint at that god-foresaken unmentionable daily loo paper). JSP accepts that there's no point sitting back and waiting for a change in 'luck'; instead, she rolls up her sleeves, works her socks off and simply gets on with the task in hand.

JSP describes herself as 'weird looking, with big frilly teeth, thick glasses and boring hair'. Who are we to disagree, but it is clear to all that this hasn't hindered her and has probably only served to make her stronger. She is sharp and focused, recognising that if we need to improve the quality of our lives, it is up to us to take steps to do that. All power to JSP!

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