What makes Stephen Fry so fantastic, and a National Treasure?

Stephen Fry

I got to meet Stephen Fry yesterday and have thought and spoken about nothing else since. What is it about him that makes him loved by so many?

A FAQer of the first degree, we have to agree. We hope the following prose shows how we feel about this male English rose:

Ode to Stephen Fry

Although you served time,
As a youth on remand,
For a minor crime,
We still watch, nay demand,

You're famous for Fry and Laurie,
Being witty, upper class and gay,
And running off to Belgium,
Instead of doing a play,

Acting the Rooster,
As General Melchett in Blackadder,
And Jeeves in Wooster,
Saw your career go up the ladder,

In Last Chance to See,
And shows like QI,
We experience much glee,
With the mighty Stephen Fry.

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WildAnieMel said...

Love it, thank you for answering this question in such a wonderful way. I hope dear Stephen himself gets to see it :D

Akash said...

This is really a great representation and I liked it.

Anonymous said...

'How to be gorgeous' haha love it.

Stephen Fry said...

If you feel so inclined, why not visit my blog:
I have a new book launching this week.

Just Faqme Team said...

Mr Fry! We most certainly do feel inclined! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your blog with us Faqers.

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