Is it true that all Scotsmen don't wear pants under their kilts?

Is it a rumour, is it partially true? If it is true, why don't they?

Och ye bonnie Lassie (or Laddie), what are ye like?! We shoulda ken ye'd ask this o' thee soon enough.

Aye tis true that the vast majority of Scotsmen wear faq all but their socks and shoes beneath their kilts. In some circumstances underwear is prohibited by military regulations. Tis tradition and the mark of a true Scotsman so they say.

However, to avoid changing the focus of spectators attention during formal dancing, athletic and wedding events, underwear is commonly worn.

Noo you cannae say ye dinna ken when youse are next having a highland fling.

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    Anonymous said...

    Little old lady tourist speaking to Scotsman: Is anything worn under the kilt?

    Scotsman: No my dear, it's all in good working order.

    Terry said...

    I really enjoyed reading this article. It was extremely hilarious because that is really how the Scottish people talk like!

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