Would you rather be attacked by a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

We'd rather not be attacked at all and we'd do our best to placate the angry equine ornithological beast by giving it sugar lumps the size of hay bales, apples the size of barrels and if that failed then run it a hot bath.

Yes, if we had to choose, it would have to be the horse-sized duck. It's easier to run away from one freaky animal than a hundred!

Neigh....quack off!

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Adrienne said...

Personally, I wouldn't want to be attacked by anything. However, it's always easier to defend yourself against 1 person or animal than 100. So I would have to choose the horse-sized duck. It just seems like the most obvious choice, unless you like fighting off 100 beasts.


dqc18 said...

I think defending yourself against 100 Duck-sized Horses would be a lot easier than a Horse-sized Duck! Liked this one the most.

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