The sky was overcast, the car park deserted as a shadowy figure strode purposely towards the large complex and welcoming darkness beyond.
The mission: to avoid detection, select an OP (observation point), conduct a static surveillance and determine whether the objective (feature) will still show. Carrying specialist equipment and supplies designed to blend in with the target environment, they looked to the casual observer remarkably like a pair of 3D glasses, a box of popcorn and a large paper cup of fizzy pop. A very clever disguise indeed.
As eyes adjusted to the near pitch black gloom, the agent made his way to the back row and took up a central position. Fortunately he hadn't been spotted during the infiltration exercise. After an equipment diagnostic involving a munch of some "popcorn" (explosive taste analysis) and a slurp of pop (solution verification check) the agent activated the 3D glasses and began scanning his surroundings in a pre-arranged pattern for hostile forces.
Not long after, a lone Tango was spotted! Had it seen him?! A few minutes of intense scrutiny ensued for signs of recognition or aggression. It became apparent that it was an empty threat with it's lethal straw weapon inoperative due to it having been disabled (bent). Phew!
Suddenly, lights flashed on the screen and strange booming noises emanated around the auditorium - was the agent under attack?! Burrowing further into his OP (seat), the agent made himself as small a target as possible. was the arrival of the objective! So it was true! The feature (movie) does still show if nobody buys a ticket!
Suddenly a look of horror and realisation appeared on the agent's face as a terrible picture revealed itself. 'AARRRGGHH!! OH NOOO!! ANYTHING BUT THIS!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS KIND OF TORTURE!' he screamed as he fled flailing his arms around his head as fast as he could away from the horrific scene.
What could it be that terrified him so?! Yes folks, our poor agent had witnessed the horror of another chick flick starring Julia Roberts.
The End
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HEY!! Julia Roberts films aren't that bad! lol
They are all the same though lol
Wow i really like writing. I agree i can't take another Julia Robers film, i think the film must have been eat pray love right lol. one again good job.
No wonder the cinema was empty - Faqing hate Julia Roberts. Love the popcorm & fizzy pop. Very James Bond!
I don't think anyone would show up unless its a good movie
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