How long can a cockroach live?

Rather shockingly, the lifespan of a cockroach is anywhere between 3 months and 2 years. Not anywhere near me though; they wouldn't survive 5 FAQing minutes!

Horribly however, rumour has it that they can also live for up to a month without their heads. Their necks simply 'clot over' and they continue merrily on their way...eugghh.

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Trish said...

That is absolutely horrifying to know! 2 years? And 30 days without a head? Gross! I guess smooshing is the only way to really kill them.

Bianca said...

Wow! I thought cockroaches lived longer actually! I never knew they could live for a month without their heads! As gross as they are I have always thought that if anything were to happen to the earth they would be one of the creatures that would survive the longest. This is some proof they that really are tough.

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