When you choke a smurf, what colour does it turn?

There's no small debate about this particular FAQ.

Many think they turn purple, green or white under duress. However, we decided to conduct our own experiments on the wee blue men and women. We're not called FAQers for nothing.

Our results showed that they physically stay blue and even managed to turn the air the same colour. Under the assumption their blood (we're not that cruel) is red like ours any form of oxygen deprivation resulting in the production of deoxyhemoglobin would not show.

In us, the colour of deoxyhemoglobin in our blood is light brown and it's only the collagen in the walls of our vessels and skin that makes it appear blue.

Note from the Smurfane Society:
Please be advised no Smurfs were harmed in the making of this FAQ.

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Dudeedud4 said...

Wow, that was interesting. I have honestly never thought of this in my life...

Anonymous said...

I was kinda wondering the same thing myself and the article confirmed it that there blood is blue for me.

Anonymous said...

Next time i spot a smurf lurking in the undergrowth, i'm choking it! Just so i know for certain ;)

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