How many rolos can the average man fit in his mouth?

Advertised with the slogan "Do you love anyone enough to give them your last Rolo?" you'd have to be completely head over heels with the guy to even consider this!

Still the course of true love can often be bizarre so I reckon an average man could manage to fit about 30 or so rolos (3 packets) in his mouth.

I warn you though, it won't be a pretty sight and could turn your heart's desire into a repulsive mire.

Of course this could be a deliberate ploy to stop his incessant whinging. If so, well done, get yourself a Bounty bar and head off to silent paradise!

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Bobby Koller said...

Hah, this was hilarious to read, it'd be even funnier to see for real.

Ruth Darling said...

I would like to see that for sure!

K Glenn said...

We need a pic of a guy with the 30 in his mouth, not the candy itself. I'm not trying to beat it until I see it done first!

Anonymous said...

Hey...grow some balls're not being asked to land on the moon for the first time, or scale mount everest - it's chocolate! Get 39 of them in your mouth and save the last one for a loved one. Be sure to post your pic once you're done.

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