Why do we wear poppies for Remembrance day?

Poppies are worn to show others that you are remembering those who died for their country. The reason poppies are used is because they are the flowers which grew on the battle fields after World War I ended.

The Royal British Legion safeguards the welfare, interests and memory of those who are serving or who have served in the Armed Forces. They are one of the UK’s largest membership organisations and recognised as custodians of Remembrance. They run the annual Poppy Appeal.

My attempt at drawing Poppies using Facebook Graffiti

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Geoff Harp said...

We don't do enough to remember those who fought and died for the rights and freedoms we all have today. We don't do enough for our troops fighting for us today either. Many are left to find their own way back into civilian life and end up on the scrap heap or in jail. The Government needs to sort it out instead of expecting charities to bail them out and make up for the Government's criminal failings.

Em said...

Couldn't agree more. The government's immoral failings are clear to see throughout the adult criminal justice system. We're jailing too many ex-servicemen after failing to provide appropriate resettlement ie ptsd therapies. If we fork out for the right interventions in the first place, we wouldn't have to pay the high price of imprisoning some of these folk indeterminately (not only financial cost but victim impact from crimes which should've been prevented).

Do see www.ssafa.org.uk who make an invaluable contribution and have been doing since the 1800s.

Cranford said...

I'm flabbergasted that some morons actually talked all the way through today's 2 minute's silence. How utterly disrespectful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that it was helpful

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