Who was the greatest artist in your opinion?

0 comments What a question! Are we referring to past artisans of paint, sculpture, music, literature, film, television or other media? There are so many choices!

For now though, this faqer will assume it is of the first kind; those that drew or painted. This requires much to ponder, nay, muse on one's perspective.

A difficult landscape to cover, we do not wish to portray too abstract a view, nor come across as too impressionable. The answer should not be distasteful to the palette, over oily in obsequiousness and definitely not muddy the water (colours).

One could easel(y) chalk up such greats as Botticelli, Dali, Monet, Picasso, Raphael, Renoir, Rembrandt or Van Gogh but no, they must be brushed aside!

For the greatest artist in this faqers opinion was the most versatile, inventive, inspirational and most recognised among his contemporaries.

Although known more for his drawings than paintings, he had a colossal curiosity, an insatiable quest for knowledge and gave us immortal works including; The Study of Hands, The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.

So without further sketchiness, we declare the greatest artist to be none other than Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). A man ahead of his time.
After all that, I think this faqer could have just posted his portrait. Well, they say a picture paints a thousand words...

p.s. This faqer also has an interest in drawing/painting. You can see his attempts in the facebook graffiti app at Andy's Facebook Graffiti wall. Hope you like them and give it a go too! :)
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